Zine is a small-circulationĀ self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via aĀ copy machine. Zines are the product of either a single person or of a very small group, and are popularly photocopied into physical prints for circulation.
For this project we are diving into what the possibilities are when you combine net art and zine making. You will use a combination of HTML and CSS.
There is a 8 page minimum.
Each page will have an original work of art included by you. Could be a drawing, photos, audio, gifs, etc.
Your zine should have a cohesive style with imported font styles that fit your aesthetic.
Your zine can follow a linear/page flipping flow, or a nonlinear/choose-your-own-adventure style
Consider the narrative you want to tell and who your audience is
consider CSS layout, hover interactions, animations to add interesting ways of navigating the site
You will make wireframes in Figma with text and color styles. You must wireframe for both desktop and mobile, but you will only code for desktop.
Your site must use original assets (your own images, gifs, videos, and sounds).
Your root folder set up, code, and live site should be completed considering best practices and the project deadline.